Past work

2021: ChessCoach, a neural network-based chess engine capable of natural language commentary

2019: Legends of Runeterra (strategy card game), Valorant (5v5 character-based tactical FPS)

2016: 72hours, a team-cooperative, server-competitive castle defense/RPG that plays out over 3 days

2015: HiveLink, a service that let professionals deliver Excel modelling services to clients while protecting sensitive intellectual property

2014: Voxel engine to experiment with cross-genre game ideas

2013: Remote Desktop on iOS, Android and Windows Phone

2013: RemoteApp improvements in Windows Server 2012 R2

2012: Remote Desktop app for Windows 8/8.1

2011: RemoteFX for Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1

2010: 2D multiplayer action game with interpolation/prediction